Well, actually I'd say that is _a_ definition rather than _the_ definition. Another would be that a standard is the more fun car to drive.

Shannon apparently in a nit-picky mood today.
(and her 3 standards).

From www.m-w.com
3 : something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model or example : CRITERION
4 : something set up and established by authority as a rule for the measure of quantity, weight, extent, value, or quality

1 : a systematic statement of a body of law; especially : one given statutory force
2 : a system of principles or rules

Originally Posted By: senthil
This is the definition

Code: A group of general rules or systamatic standards for design, materials,fabrication, installation and inspection prepared in such a manner that it can be adobted by a legal jurisdiction and made into law.

Standard : Documents prepared by a professional group having requirements believed to be good and proper engineering practice and which are written with mandatory requirements.
