Unfortunately, there is currently no direct way to take your soil model and underground model data to a file within Caesar II although you can print it. The .soi file contains your soil model and this file is associated with the unburied job. If you open your unburied job and then select Input->Underground you can print the file, which will include your soil models and all underground data. There is no way to print or save the actual conversion calculations that show you the soil restraint calculations and the virtual anchor lengths. We would like to add this capability into a future version of Caesar II, but it won't make it into version 5.10. I will add this to our development list so it is not forgotten.
Loren Brown
Director of Technical Support
CADWorx & Analysis Solutions
Intergraph Process, Power, & Marine
12777 Jones Road, Ste. 480, Houston, TX 77070 USA