It is official – B31J 2017 is now available from ASME and other sources! B31J is the ASME standard that provides the equations for the “more applicable” data that all of the piping codes hint should be utilized. The empirical equations in B31J enable the computation of more accurate (more applicable) SIFs and Flexibility Factors for tees. B31J is the basis for the procedures which have been incorporated into FEATools, since 2013. This capability is now available (courtesy of Paulin Research Group) for CAESAR II 2017 and later (version 9.00 onward) at no cost through (FEATools) B31J Essentials. (For non-code fittings the full FEATools package should be acquired.) PRG and Hexagon have made this technology available to all current CAESAR II users. Improve the accuracy of your flexibility analysis by implementing (FEATools) B31J Essentials (to take advantage of this more applicable data according to B31J).
Richard Ay - Consultant