I am a new user to the discussion forum. if somebody can help me for solving my problm please do.
Now i am working on PLEM piping stress analysis for that i need to input the hydrodynamic parameters(Wave and current) , i have the environmental datas for 1,10 and 100 year RPV. while i am inputing the hydrodynamic values in the static load editting window shows a box for Editing wave case, i cant understand that thing but i have given it as 4. after that in load combination i have selected the 4 wave combination but in the results showing each case having the same answer (same stresses). can any one help me in this case for how to input the wave and current data.
Also i want know about how to input an excel input file to caeser or is it possible or not?

Edited by rej (02/15/12 04:47 AM)