Liquid volume for internal lined vessel

Posted by: fedeghi

Liquid volume for internal lined vessel - 01/26/10 09:55 AM

I have the feelint that liquid volume (and consequently its weight) is computed considering the same internal diameter, regardless that the vessel is lined or not.
Could you please confirm this?

The difference in the final operating weight can be considerable: for example, I'm just analysing a dia=4 m vessel with 230mm of antiacid lining.
PvElite is computing the liquid volume without considering the reduced diameter 4-2*0.23, so the operating weight is definitely higher then the expected.

Best regards
Posted by: Scott_Mayeux

Re: Liquid volume for internal lined vessel - 01/26/10 10:24 AM

Hi Federico,

I just ran a simple cylinder model filled with liquid, checked the liquid weight and then re-ran the model full of liquid and with a layer of lining. The liquid weight definitely decreased.

If your result does not seem to compute, send you model in a we will have a look at it.