Caesar II Version 5.20 Code Check

Posted by: sean_murray

Caesar II Version 5.20 Code Check - 08/12/11 03:16 AM

I have come across the following issue relating to the stress output when the default piping code is set to PD8010-2.

When extracting the stress output the axial stress that is reported is actually the longitudinal stress. The bending stress is also reported. It is therefore possible to calculate the actual axial stress (longitudinal - bending).

In the case where the actual axial stress is tensile, the equivalent stress seems to be calculated using the reported longitudinal stress (axial stress + bending stress).

When assessing the equivalent stress two longitudinal stresses should be assessed: axial + bending and axial - bending.

I have now come across the situation where the equivalent stress is more onerous when considering the axial stress - bending stress. This scenario does not seem to be captured in the Caesar II output.

Does anyone else have a similar experience of this?

Many Thanks
Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: Caesar II Version 5.20 Code Check - 08/12/11 06:57 AM

You're correct - there are several longitudinal stresses that must be computed to properly determine the equivalent (Code) stress. c2 does these computations internally and determines the worst condition in the final evaluation of the equivalent stress.

You cannot use the values reported for "axial" and "Bending" to verify the Code stress (or the equivalent stress). These component values do not provide complete information necessary to determine the Code stress.