Logic Behind Orbit Button

Posted by: P Massabie

Logic Behind Orbit Button - 11/03/04 09:59 AM

Can anyone tell me what is the logic behind the orbit button? What is the trick!? I’m trying to figure it out, but so far, I cannot get a way to consistently rotate the model without getting random or undesired rotations’ directions. Thanks in advance…

Pedro Massabié
Posted by: Edward Klein

Re: Logic Behind Orbit Button - 11/03/04 04:19 PM

Welcome to the club.
Posted by: John C. Luf

Re: Logic Behind Orbit Button - 11/04/04 08:23 AM

Yes it can give you just what you don't want at times. One thing I have found helpful is to use the rotate feature in the area of the plot where the co-ordinate axis is. This allows you to see immediately which way your rotating (before you go astray hopefully)
Posted by: Richard Yee

Re: Logic Behind Orbit Button - 11/04/04 12:17 PM

The most satisfactory method for rotation of the graphics model for me has been using the keyboard.
The shift + arrow up/down, let/right keys have given more control than the overscaled mouse inputs.
Sometimes though, the keys only produce the pan and not the rotation movement.
It would be nice to have the same functionality as with AutoCad graphics mouse & wheel controls.

Re: Logic Behind Orbit Button - 11/05/04 02:58 AM

contrary to popular opinion, i actually like the
hoops graphics, it works quite well.
my tips are:
1.use middle button to switch between pan and orbit(very handy)
2.To orbit around a particular item, first use the 'zoom window' option. this seems to focus the orbit.

my biggest grumble is stability, if i do to much in the graphics screen then caesar crashes.
Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: Logic Behind Orbit Button - 11/05/04 08:55 AM

my biggest grumble is stability, if i do to much in the graphics screen then caesar crashes.
Make sure you're using the build of 040810. We had a few issues tracking the "current element" when both the graphics and spreadsheet were open simultaneously. Moving the mouse over an element in the plot window would foul up the "current element" in the spreadsheet.

If you are using 040810, and can give me a list of steps to cause the crash, we'll get it fixed immediately.