V4.50 Graphics - Massless Rigids

Posted by: Edward Klein

V4.50 Graphics - Massless Rigids - 02/12/04 03:47 PM

Now that C2 no longer offers the classic "standard graphics" I'm trying to get used to the new system. I see scaling has been added to the restraints and springs, which is definitely a help (although, it would be nice if C2 would remember the user's preference the next time a view is plotted).

One thing I do have a problem with is the large size of massless rigid elements. With the old graphics, when a rigid had no mass, it would also not have a volume when the volume plot was turned on. Not so with the new engine, and it's quite a distration in the cases that I've checked so far. Any chance of getting this fixed, or at least giving an option to give 0 volume to massless rigids?

One other item that would be useful to add - user defineable views. I see from the documentation that program writes an xml file to remember the last view settings so that the model will start at that arrangement next time. Would it be possible to extend this to allow the user save a number of custom views for a given file? Seems like this would be a matter of adding a menu/drop box and adding some code to allow the xml file name to be changed (say adding 1, 2, 3, etc, to the end of the file name for different saved views). Perhaps something to consider for 4.6.
Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: V4.50 Graphics - Massless Rigids - 02/12/04 04:54 PM

On the "massless rigid" issue, mine always draws a single stick - i.e. no volume. Send me your model and I'll take a look at it.

On the "defineable views", actually we've done some work on this. This option won't make it into Version 4.50, but should be available in the next version.