Printed Output - Input data

Posted by: Andy123

Printed Output - Input data - 12/20/02 02:48 AM

Hai, I have observed that during printing of the input data from Caesar II(4.3) some paramters which are long enough are shown as '*******' instead of the actual value. How is it possible to correct it. Printing in both Potrait and landscape mode of A4 size also does not help.

Can anybody suggest me a remedy to this. Thanks
Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: Printed Output - Input data - 12/20/02 08:48 AM

When printing the input data, either from the input or output modules, the formatting of the data is controlled by the "*.INP" files found in \caesar\system. (Note, the \caesar is dependent on where you installed the program.)

When the formatting as provided by COADE is insufficient, simply edit the appropriate INP file. For example, in ELEMENT.INP (which controls the formatting for the general element listing), the formatting for the pressure fields P1 through P9 begins on line 31. Note that the format is :4:4, this specifies 4 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right of the decimal point. If you need more digits, simply change these values.

There is documentation on the INP files in the manuals. Note that there are at least two different variations of INP files for each type of input report listing. There are batch files in the \caesar\system directory that can be used to switch these INP files from condensed to columnar and visa versa. One word of caution though - make a copy of the file before you edit it. If you foul it up, the report won't be generated and you can crash the program.
Posted by: sek

Re: Printed Output - Input data - 12/21/02 01:41 AM

Alternatively, you can also change the input units concerned ( e.g - Pascal to Kpa or N to KN)