Error 44E

Posted by: Nayakkar

Error 44E - 10/31/06 08:20 AM


We are analyzing a big FRP closed underground pressure network. After converting the underground model I am getting the following error.

Error 44E - Intersection COORDINATES MISMATCH exceeds allowable. The element going from 2597 to 2596 missed the intersection by

X ERROR = 55.36406MM
Y ERROR = 0.000000MM
Z ERROR = 88.90000MM


But I couldn’t find any node from 2597 to 2596. These nodes are on the straight portion of the pipe. I have changed the cofig/setup ==> Geometric derivatives ==> Loop closer tolerance from 25.4 mm to 100 mm. Still the problem is not solved. Kindly suggest the solution.


Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: Error 44E - 10/31/06 10:06 AM

The nodes "2597" and "2596" are probably being generated by the "Buried Pipe Modeler", so you won't find them in your original model. You should be able to find them in the buried model.

Check to make sure you haven't set the starting coordinates of the model to some huge number, which can throw off the geometry computations.

If you can't figure out the proglem, e-mail your (unburied) model to "techsupport_at_coade_dot_com".
Posted by: hanmyatmoe

Re: Error 44E - 12/06/13 12:46 AM

Hi Mr. Richard,

I am also facing same problem. Now, I am making a model for Natural Gas pipe line with the below conditions:
D. Pressure = 50barg
D. Temp = 4-38 deg C
After I made model, when i was checking, I faced "Error 44E"
"Intersection COORDINATE MISMATCH exceeds allowable. The element going from 2430 to 2440 missed the intersection by:
X ERROR = 0.00310 (mm.)
Y ERROR = 0.00000 (mm.)
Z ERROR = 55.91597 (mm.)

How can I solve this problem? Actually, this element is a valve which is
622.09 kg heavy 12 inches valve.

Han Myat Moe
Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: Error 44E - 12/08/13 11:00 PM

The element referenced in the error may not be the location of the problem, just where it was detected. That element is in a group of elements that form a closed loop. One (or more) of the elements in that loop has incorrect dimensions.