CAESAR 2019 Output to Excel 2013 Bug

Posted by: Michael_Fletcher

CAESAR 2019 Output to Excel 2013 Bug - 01/27/20 10:02 AM

There's a bug that sometimes flares up when outputting CAESAR 2019 to Excel 2013.

It attempts to open an instance of excel and place the information within it, fails, so tries to open a new instance of excel and place the information within it, fails, so tries to open a new instance of excel and place the information within it, fails...

It happens very spontaneously. When I originally installed CAESAR 2019, it'd happen frequently. It just came back today.

The net result is many, many instances of excel running at ~64 MB per process, which can eat up your memory.

Once you forcibly kill Output02.exe, you'll also want to kill all those excel instances. Here's a quick way to do that.

Win+R to bring up the run prompt.
Type cmd and hit enter to bring up the command prompt.
Type taskkill /IM "EXCEL.EXE" to kill all instances of Excel at once.
Close the command prompt.
Posted by: Michael_Fletcher

Re: CAESAR 2019 Output to Excel 2013 Bug - 01/27/20 04:04 PM

To shed some additional light on this topic, I'm incapable of outputting to Excel more than one Excel sheet's worth of information at a time.

If I load of the report generator with 5 lines of data (say 5 different restraint summaries for different load cases, as opposed to everything in one restraint summary), I'll get 5 instances of Excel, but only one instance of excel will be open on my desktop, and it'll show only the results of the last line attempted to be output.

Further, I've since had to change my command to taskkill /IM /F "EXCEL.EXE" to forcefully kill Excel.

The only additional information I have right now is that Windows (7) Updates were pushed to my machine recently, though I'm supposed to be getting a new machine in three weeks, anyways. So who knows if this'll be a non-issue or not.
Posted by: Nicolas61

Re: CAESAR 2019 Output to Excel 2013 Bug - 12/01/20 01:38 AM

We have the same bug with CAESAR 2019 Windows 10 Excel 2016 32bits and 64 bits.
My machine is really recent (2 weeks).

@Michael did you fix the problem?
Posted by: Michael_Fletcher

Re: CAESAR 2019 Output to Excel 2013 Bug - 12/01/20 08:48 AM


I don't know if it's rarer now because I don't use the C2 to Excel feature, or something's mitigated it.

Since taking my machine home during a pandemic, our IT has pushed Windows Updates more frequently.

But I know it still impacts me.