add +Y and –Y in "Set North Direction"

Posted by: awei

add +Y and –Y in "Set North Direction" - 10/19/17 02:28 AM

Dear Sir,

When we use External Interfaces and choice Import PCF in CAESAR II 2018,
We can Set North Direction. But it just -X,+X,+Z,-Z can select.
Because when we New Job Z-Axis Vertical, and the north direction
will need to select from -X,+X,+Y,-Y. So would you please add +Y and –Y
for us to select. Thank you very much.

Best Regards,
Posted by: Mandeep Singh

Re: add +Y and –Y in "Set North Direction" - 10/25/17 01:56 PM


It seems that you are using PCF interface from CAESAR II main menu. You have to set the Z-axis up in the configuration module. That will tell the software that your vertical axis is 'Z', then you will get -X,+X,+Y,-Y options for North arrow. So, check the configuration option and let us know.

I am curious, have you tried the PCF import in the Piping input module. It is under Environment menu -> APCF.

It is good to see that you using the North arrow mapping.
Posted by: awei

Re: add +Y and –Y in "Set North Direction" - 12/12/17 03:04 AM

Dear Mr Singh,
Sorry for too late to see your answer.
So I need to set the Z-axis first, and the North arrow can change to +Y or -Y.
Thank you very much.

Best Regards,