A672-B60 CL.13 is somewhat different from the carbon steels.

Posted by: HDSEO

A672-B60 CL.13 is somewhat different from the carbon steels. - 10/18/16 06:34 PM


I am using Caesar II 2016.

I chose A672-B60 CL.13 on the Caesar II, and it shows :

1. Allowable Stress : Vacant
-> This is okay, I can type it as per B31.1.

2. Thermal Coeficient at 100'C : 0.000911 mm/mm
-> However, for other carbon steel (eg. A53-B), it is 0.000956 mm/mm.
-> Why different?

3. Elastic Modulus at 100'C : 1.9816 * 10^5 Mpa
-> For other carbon steel (eg. A53-B), it is 1.9816 * 10^5 Mpa.
-> This is okay.

4. Poissson's Ratio : 0.292
-> However, for other carbon steel (eg. A53-B), it is 0.3.
-> Why different?

Even though A672-B60 CL.13 and A53-B is grouped in the the carbon steel in Appendix B & C of B31.1, why thermal coefficinet and poisson's ratio are different from each other?
Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: A672-B60 CL.13 is somewhat different from the carbon steels. - 10/19/16 10:12 AM

In the c2 Material database, A672 is listed for B31.3 only. If you're using a different piping Code (like B31.1 shown above), then c2 is pulling the data from the "generic All Codes" entry. This is why all the properties are different

If A672 is a common material for you (that you use all the time), you should use the Material Database Editor and add an entry for B31.1. If this is the only time you've had to use this material, just manually specify the proper data in the input.
Posted by: HDSEO

Re: A672-B60 CL.13 is somewhat different from the carbon steels. - 10/24/16 12:40 AM

Thank you for your explanation.

However, I have searched the thermal expansion data and Poisson's ratio in both B31.1 and B31.3.

They are exactly same in the both codes.

So, could you explain about the above first question again?
Posted by: HDSEO

Re: A672-B60 CL.13 is somewhat different from the carbon steels. - 10/24/16 08:02 PM

I understood. Thank you!