A question about input echo data experted from CEASAR2

Posted by: Twing

A question about input echo data experted from CEASAR2 - 11/10/05 08:01 PM

When we use CEASAR2's Static Output processer to output the Input echo,we find there is a parameters that we can not understand its mean,as follow: cool
ALPHA TOLERANCE = 0.500000E-01
HGR DEF RESWGT STIF = 0.175127E+13 N./cm.
Refer to "RESLD-FORCE",we can not find it in technical manual.And we can not find the corresponding input item in "Configure/setup".So would you please expain this parameter's mean and how can we setup it?
Posted by: Richard Ay

Re: A question about input echo data experted from CEASAR2 - 11/10/05 11:14 PM

"RESLD-FORCE" is an old configuration switch from the early DOS days, which has been removed from the <em>Configuration Module's Interface</em>. Users should not attempt to alter this setting.

The purpose of this switch was to allow CAESAR II to match old Main Frame programs of that time period. Some of these programs would ingore a load applied directly to a restraint. For example, assume the follwowing:

- a "Y" restraint at node 50
- a concentrated force of -1000 lbs applied at node 50
- a load case consisting of only applied concentrated loads

One would normally expect the restraint report at node 50 to show -1000 lbs. However, some of the old Main Frame programs would ignore this load of 1000 lbs because it was applied directly to the restraint, and the piping didn't see it. This switch was provided to allow CAESAR II to match this behavior.