With P&ID and its dependency on maintaining its configuration file name as, in my case, Imperial.cfg, as I understand it to be.

The P&ID config file was the first.CFG file that I customized in a text editor, for example, changing layer names to company standard varieties, etc. for each of the application categories (Plant, Equipment, etc. - but only P&ID used), how do you mesh data in Plant config files (that can be renamed and relocated without any negative effects) with the data and settings in the stringent naming convention used as P&ID config file?

Setting up all CADWorx now for general plant usage (in an mfg. support engineering dept. or OOE), I would like to know suggestions on setting up .CFG('s) with consistent content across all of CADWorx's applications - especially between the stringent P&ID file name requirement and the more liberal Plant CFG?
Clint Hill