I'm working with an 'engineer' who is of the opinion that piping design is all about routing piping and the structural aspects are not real and that I should 'get out more' [grrrrrrrr!!!!!!].
Anyway I thought I'd do a bit of digging and come up with some references or articles on disasters or incidents where poor piping design lead to large scale loss of life or assets to remind him of what happens when we ignore basic engineering principles. Paradoxically it does seem sometimes that the field is now so safe that people have become remote from what can go wrong and the consequences of that.

So far I have come up with
Flixbourgh - http://www.hse.gov.uk/comah/sragtech/caseflixboroug74.htm
BP Grangemouth - http://www.hse.gov.uk/comah/sragtech/casebpgrange87.htm
Tay Bridge disaster[not piping related but a facinating bit of history regarding forensic engineering] - http://www.open2.net/forensic_engineering/riddle/riddle_01.htm & http://www.open2.net/forensic_engineering/riddle/riddle_07.htm

Reading up on these has been quite illuminating and is great background information for everyday use.

Can anybody else provide links to piping design related incidents so we can all learn more from the mistakes of previous generations?
Kenny Robertson