I'm having a lot issues with Caesar 6.10 file management.

The directory in which I keep all of my CAESAR II models is flooded with extra files. Everytime I open a model and then close CAESAR II without running an analysis on the model, the file is broken up into parts with underscore & single-letter suffix's (._1, ._2, ._B, ._C, etc...).

After working in Caesar and shutting it down, the directory in which I worked will have files ending in .A, .P and '.C 2'. I have not found a way to control this outcome and keep all files in a '.C 2' suffix unless I specifically open a separate file prior to shutting down Caesar.

These issues become very annoying when one has to jump around from file to file, trying to find each one when their suffix's are different and are sorted out of order because of it.

I know the .c2db files hold the line # information, but any information on the others and how to manage them more efficiently?
