How do analysts manage modeling piping systems containing multiple equipment and/or valve scenarios when temperature, pressure, or displacement (T/P/D) vectors exceed the limit of nine conditions?

For example: four boiler feedwater pumps, one acting as spare, and any one, two, or three of the pumps may operate to meet load. There are 14 T/P/D conditions that can occur. That will take 6 models to analyze all shutdown/startup cases, and switchover combinations.

It is anticipated that there will be multiple piping revisions to the models as attempts are made to get pump nozzle allowables in compliance.

An approach is to start with the base model and make six copies. Then edit all the T/P/D vectors for each element for each model. Finally, edit the load case combinations for each model. Since it is not possible to copy/paste complete T/P/D vectors (in the Element List), this is a very lengthy process.

With a change in the base model then, the choices are two as I see it: 1) Change the base model and follow the steps above, or 2) Change the piping in all six of the models, and update the affected T/P/D vectors in those six models.

Am I missing a simpler, or less time consuming approach?

The choice of revision method 1 or 2 then, would be based on the extent of piping modifications that are necessary.

- Ken