I have a typical case of Sea transportation to be carried out. The entire plant will be split in modules and shipped out from the fabrication yard to the Actual site.
Now for Stress purpose we have built up entire systems running end to end. However for the Sea transport case we will have to break the system into module spools. Is it possible that we can do this in the End to End Caesar file by introducing some flexible element at the break flanges .That way it will relieve the efforts of modelling every module spool separately and studying its behaviour.
Either way we go , the end result is to ensure that every spool stays in place while transportation. This can be done by introducing pipe supports OR by lashing with straps.
Introducing special supports seems fine, but using lashing on the piping spools is a totally different world. In case any info/guidelines is available on lashing of pipes , pls share how to select and mention need of lashing on piping while transport.
Thanks a lot.