The intent of this post is to bring everyone, associated with ESLs, up to speed on the recent changes that have been made to our software.

Some of you are aware of certain “difficulties” encountered with either viewing ESL license data or updating licenses via the “MEM File”.
These issues have been caused by a change in the ESL software that COADE began using in the “March/April” time frame.

So think of the software as “before” or “after” this time frame.
TANK 3.10, CAESAR II 5.10, PVElite 2009, CodeCalc 2009, and CADWorx 2009 were all released BEFORE March/April-2009.
Therefore, the ESL software shipped with these versions is unaware of any of our recent changes and enhancements – like CDR and PV Fabricator.
So, if a PVElite user has his ESL updated to run PV Fabricator, his PV Elite software will not run.

Software released after the “March/April” time frame (CDR, PV Fabricator, CAESAR II 5.20 and future 2010 CADWorx) include the modified routines to recognize these new products.

What does this mean for you?
You have to know what software the user has in relation to the March/April-2009 time frame.
For software released after the “March/April” time frame, the software in \HASP_SRM must be used.
For software released before the “March/April” time frame, you can continue using your existing routines.

If you run into problems like;
a) Software not recognizing the Locks
b) The MEM file will not being applied
c) The license information reported incorrectly.

Please refer to the attached PDF, to correct the issue,

Hopefully this has cleared things up for those that have run into this

726-COADE_FirmwareUpdateInstructions.pdf (1268 downloads)

Problems cannot be solved by the level of awareness that created them.

William Rasco