Friction factor for static equivalent

Posted by: sggodbole

Friction factor for static equivalent - 11/26/03 05:02 AM

When we carry out static equivalent for seismic or PSV / wind type forces which are dynamic in nature we make case where we superimpose these forces on operating case and then separate out these forces by subtracting operating case from superimposed case. ( This takes care of the non-linearity as compared to having a sustained/operating case with U/WIN/F superimposed from separate case made only for U/WIN/F).Normally the superimposition case will be with friction factor =0.0 and normal operating case will be with friction factor 1.0. Hence the superimposition case has opearting part also without friction. Could someone suggest an approach where only Dynamic type forces can be superimposed (in static equivalent) without friction on operating case which is with friction ?
Posted by: Itchy

Re: Friction factor for static equivalent - 12/07/03 01:52 PM

One way you could do this is when defining the static equivalent seismic factors, include a Gy value (assuming y is vertical) of 1.0. You would have to check the results to see if this works and make sure you get the results you woud expect.

I would be interesteed to see if it works.