dear specialist:

I attached two example. LRV01 is a complicated model that include the routing in LRV02 I am studying.

In LRV01, ALL piping support is connected on vessel,; BUt in LRV02 , there is no connected vessel ;
My Question is: Why the load at node 10 and 130 is different from two model? even the vertical force direction is opposite.

For instance: in LRV01, at node 10 , the FY is negative that result from weight in SUS,
But in LRV02, at node 10 , the FY is is plus that result from weight in SUS, it is confusing.

somebody can point out the reason?

thanks !

LRV01.C2 (334 downloads)
LRV02.C2 (318 downloads)

Edited by stress river (11/30/10 09:40 AM)
Know what you are doing!